Popular methods and ways to increase the penis

Men often complain that they are not satisfied with the length of their penis. They use different methods to solve the problem. They are especially interested in how to grow a member of folk remedies. Such methods are considered harmless, affordable.

Not everyone is ready to buy an expensive ointment that may turn out to be useless, but everyone can try the recipes of traditional medicine.

a man with a normal penis size

Medicinal plants

Medicinal plants are identified with traditional medicine. Phytotherapy is used to enlarge the penis. It is based on the acceleration of metabolism, blood circulation in the pelvic organs. You should regularly use decoctions or infusions. To achieve the effect of penis enlargement, it is easy to choose the available tools.

  1. Replace tea with an infusion of leaves, roots, flowers of wild hawthorn. It is easy to prepare: pour a tablespoon of raw material with 500 ml of boiling water. The course of treatment lasts at least one month.
  2. According to the same recipe, you can prepare a decoction of rose hips. This drink will improve blood circulation, increase a man's immunity.
  3. Ginseng root is the best way to improve the strength and growth of the penis. It is added to many ointments or tinctures. You can prepare the medicine according to the recipe: about 100 grams of root pour 3 liters of alcohol. Send the solution to a dark place, leave it for 10 days. After this period, take the drug 50 ml per day.
herbal remedies for penis enlargement

The use of herbal remedies is not recommended for men with allergies to certain plants. Before taking infusions and other folk remedies for penis enlargement, you should consult a therapist, urologist, make sure that there are no diseases in which herbal medicine is contraindicated.

Magic rite

The use of magic as a means of penis enlargement is not uncommon. On the network you can find several rituals or conspiracies aimed at changing the size of the penis. The best reviews deserved a magical ritual - a conspiracy to grow.

  1. Take a green candle, prepare a stand for it.
  2. Pour some olive oil in your hand, rub the candle well.
  3. Light a candle, hold a few sprigs of fresh parsley over its fire for a while.
  4. Chop greens charged with candle energy. Pour the resulting greens into a glass of holy water.
  5. Get a pot of pre-sown parsley.
  6. Coat the potted greens leaves with sperm. At this moment, you should say your wishes out loud for changes in the size of your penis, thank the spirits for their help.
  7. Water the plant with holy water. Parsley should be taken care of until you have visible results. It is impossible to shift the task of watering to others - a man who wants to change the parameters of his sexual organ must water the plant, loosen the soil. After reaching the desired parameters, the pot with parsley should be left at the crossroads. Don't forget to thank the spirits again.
Magic powers for penis enlargement

You can use various spells, but the effect of magical rites will be slightly less than zero. Urologists do not believe in the power of spirits, as there is no direct connection between them and the physical condition of the male body. The only advantage of this method is the absence of side effects.

External funds

  • Ointments or creams can be rubbed into the skin of the penis. They can be bought at the pharmacy or prepared at home. From ready-made products, you can use heparin or nitroglycerin ointment. These funds ensure blood flow to the penis. Heparin ointment will give a pleasant sensation to the partner if you use it before sexual intercourse.
  • penis enlargement cream
  • As a popular remedy for penis enlargement, you can mix the composition of dried leeches. To prepare it you will need: mix 100 grams of dry leeches, crush them; The raw materials must be mixed with 200 grams of lamb fat, which must first be melted; rub the finished cream for a month every day before going to bed on the skin of the penis.


Performing massage using the milking technique is a popular affordable and reliable way to increase the size of the male organ. The impact is carried out in two stages. It starts with preparation:

  1. For it, you need to take a soft cotton cloth, wrap it around the penis several times.
  2. After two minutes, wet the cloth again in warm water, repeat the compress.
  3. Rub the groin area with a dry towel.

For a massage, apply a special gel, lubricant or aromatic oil to your hand. Essential compositions of geranium, rose or sandalwood are most suitable.

essential oils for penis massage

Then proceed to the main procedure.

  1. Grasp the penis firmly, move your hand from the groin to the head. Squeeze your hand lightly to act on cave bodies. Repeat this exercise for 10-15 minutes.
  2. After warming up the shaft of the penis, proceed to the second movement. Grab the barrel with one hand, and the head with the other, it will have to be pulled to the side. As soon as you feel a slight pain, stop moving, stay in this position for 5 minutes. Then pull your head to the other side.
  3. With each hand, firmly squeeze the shaft of the penis 10 times. There shouldn't be much to worry about.
  4. Sit in a chair with your feet apart. Strike the member alternately on one and the other thigh.

An alternative to manual massage can be the use of equipment. Devices to stimulate the length of the penis can be worn continuously or used immediately before sexual intercourse. You can buy them in an intimate store.

Exercise, yoga, visualization

Methods that can indirectly affect penis size include physical activity or oriental practices. These exotic methods can also be attributed to traditional medicine methods for penis enlargement.

yoga for penis enlargement
  1. Meditation technique, visualization - take a comfortable position, some prefer "Lotus". Close your eyes, imagine the penis with all the anatomical details. Its size should be larger than the real one. A positive effect will be achieved if you apply this method for a long time. During meditation, you must free your mind from external thoughts.
  2. Gymnastics or yoga - any physical activity that allows you to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs is welcome. If you do not know yoga asanas, you can limit yourself to simple squats, walking in place by raising your knees to your chest. Even regular jogging at a low speed will help you improve blood circulation in your legs and penis, thus stimulating penis enlargement.

There is another method that can be classified as visualization and meditation practice - self-training. Before you go to bed, convince yourself that every minute your penis is growing and getting stronger. This method will not take you much time, it will not do any harm.

achieving a result

Visualization will be successful if you believe in the actions and words that are spoken.


Direction of traditional Chinese folk medicine, targeting biologically active points. Points can be activated in several ways:

  • regularly massage earlobes, palms on both sides, feet;
  • find the points located on the back of the hand from each end to its base.

The general massage of the areas, in which the mass of biologically active points is located, will help to solve the problem of the unsatisfactory size of the penis, to improve the functioning of other systems and organs. To do this, it is recommended to massage your palms, feet, and ears every day. Foot massage is best done at the end of the day after washing. It guarantees an increase in the speed of blood supply to the limbs and the removal of fatigue.

What do urologists think about these methods?

Doctors are skeptical about folk remedies for penis enlargement, they do not recommend penis enlargement with their help. They consider them ineffective. It is better to use other methods.

penis pump
  1. A vacuum pump is a bulb-shaped device worn over the penis that lengthens it. You can notice the result in a year after its continuous use. This method has a drawback - men after it experience problems with erection.
  2. Operation - gives a guaranteed result of penis enlargement. This method has two drawbacks - scars can form on the skin, careless movement of the scalpel can lead to complete impotence.
  3. Stretching with load - can increase the length of the penis, but its thickness becomes smaller. A man will have to carry the load for several hours to reach his goal. If the load is suspended incorrectly, the member can be deformed, partially lose sensitivity.

Physical exercises, massages, medicines only affect the blood circulation of the penis. They cannot significantly affect its growth, but they restore a stable erection.

exercises for penis enlargement

Urologists have a positive attitude towards prescriptions of traditional medicine for penis enlargement - medicinal plants. Perhaps folk remedies will not cause a significant increase, but they:

  • improvement of the male body;
  • gently regulate the reproductive system;
  • improve blood circulation in the groin area - and this is a good and long erection;
  • remove the problem of rapid ejaculation.

These aspects guarantee a regular and quality sex life.


You should not expect a significant effect from folk recipes for penis enlargement. Among them there are useless, even dangerous methods, so the choice should be approached carefully. At home, you can only use methods to increase blood circulation that are available to everyone - massage, exercise. Take self-hypnosis classes, this practice can boost self-esteem.